If your child is falling behind in Reading, Math, or Writing, he or she will enroll in our personalized Academic Programs. All of our programs have materials which meet or exceed COMMON CORE Standards. Camarillo Tutoring Inc.’s goal is to help your child improve their academic skills one full year above their grade level. Just think how confident and motivated your child will feel when he/she begins to believe they can succeed!

Reading Programs
Our Intensive Reading Program will help your child improve dramatically in areas of Reading Comprehension, Phonics, Sight Words, and Vocabulary. It also includes a substantial amount of writing. This Program is designed to help your child improve one full grade level every six months of enrollment if you are attending 2 sessions per week.

Reading Programs (Grade K-3): Your child’s Reading Program is divided into 3 parts:
Part #1
- 30 Minutes
- Phonics and Sight Words (Reading Mechanics)
Part #2
- 15 Minutes
- Math Minutes (Increase speed and confidence)
Part #3
- 15 Minutes
- Reading Comprehension and Writing
Reading Programs (Grade 4-12): Your Child’s Reading Program is divided into 3 parts:
Part #1
- 30 Minutes
- Reading Comprehension and Writing
Part #2
- 15 Minutes
- Math Minutes (Increase speed and confidence)
Part #3
- 15 Minutes
- Writing Composition/Grammar

College Prep Advanced Reading Program (Readin level > 9th Grade):
Part #1
- 30 Minutes
- Advanced Reading Skills + Speed
Part #2
- 15 Minutes
- Math Minutes (Increase speed and confidence)
Part #3
- 15 Minutes
- Advanced Vocabulary Skills

Math Programs
Our Intensive Math Programs will increase your child’s computational and problem solving skills for long-term success, and will also prepare your child for work in the classroom such as daily assignments, and chapter tests. Camarillo Tutoring Inc.’s goal is not just to help your child earn A’s and B’s, but also to cover or avoid “skill gaps” from developing. Furthermore, in the same program we also address advanced math depending on how long they are enrolled with us. We highly recommend that math students attend three sessions per week.

Math Programs (Grade K-8th): Your child’s Math program is divided into 3 parts:
Part #1
- 30 Minutes
- Your child’s math textbook from school (study for test)
Part #2
- 15 Minutes
- Math Minutes (Increase speed and confidence\cover “skill gaps”)
Part #3
- 15 Minutes
- Math Curriculum (to help your child catch up on any weak skills)
Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra II, Trigonometry, and Calculus Programs
Our advanced math programs can help your child that is in middle school or high school. The programs in Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II, Trigonometry and Calculus will help your child prepare for their upcoming math tests, increase their overall skills, and catch up on any weak areas. These advanced math programs are sometimes not delivered the same way as the K-8th. Details of these programs will be discussed during your test consultation.